Friday, September 7, 2012

The Humble Farmer On Public Broadcasting

While listening to how NPR covered the Democratic convention and remembering how it covered the Republican convention, I remembered my favorite radio man once said this:

And the only thing that you'll see on public radio or public television now that would indicate that they are leaning to the left...  that's just a facade for what's really going behind, on behind, for the fascists running it from behind.  The guys who're pulling the strings.  They're still fooling the liberals.  Some liberals think,  “Oh, we must support public radio.  It's the only place we can...”  They don't realize it's gone. It's gone.  They don't need, public radio doesn't need money, that little thirty-five dollars from you anymore.  Corporate guys can write checks, five thousand, ten thousand a hundred thousand ...

Robert Skoglund,  The Humble Farmer. 

Do go to the link at his name and hear his wonderful podcasts and read his "Whines and Snivels". And please contribute. The humble man who gave Maine Public Radio the best show in its history for free over three decades could use the support.  And watch the YouTube at the first link that will give you the history of how they got rid of him and why they did it.

1 comment:

  1. I'll never forgive public radio for kicking the Humble Farmer off its air waves. I looked forward to his Friday night shows as a rare bright spot in an often dreary weekly lineup. It was either an act of utter stupidity, or, perhaps, fear that his satire would offend those who could afford far more money than I could.

    Bob Cummings
