Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Snobbery Of Pop-Kultah From The Trash File In My E-Mail

You can't claim not to be an elitist at the same time you claim not to watch television. Good lord, you're a schmuck. :-)

Did you know that?  Well, using the word "know" in a sense that is as loose as it is limited, as the one saying it is as well.  

In this idea, that it's elitist to reject corporate, commercial propaganda, which is what TV is, from bottom to sub-basement level, lies an incredible snobbery that is all so common in so many who concentrate on "pop-culture" and get paid to push it.   I use the term "pop-culture" but that's a false name for something a depressing majority of which comes directly from the planning sessions of corporations instead of non-professionals in the underclass nowadays.   The idea is that the non-elite aren't able to aspire to anything higher than what the idiot box, wall-screen puts in front of their eyes. And today, in the cabloid period, the crap that the wall-screen has on is even worse than when the often insightful Bruce Springsteen noted there were a mere 57 Channels (And Nothin' On).

Well, I'm such an elitist that I think everyone has, not only an ability to appreciate and aspire to think in ways not designed for them to think by the professional liars and manipulators working for corporations, but that everyone has a right to not have their lives eaten up and their minds filled with the crap that comprises what TV is.  I'd rather have poor people creating what catches on as pop-culture, as it used to begin,  than people trained in universities in how to appeal to the worst in people to manipulate them through their strongest weakness, to use one of  Olive Oyl's most brilliant locutions*.

There are no bigger snobs than those who insist that people are stupid and that the only rightful place for them is wallowing in the slops that are thrown onto the crap in the human piggery.   They never figure they're on the same level as those who they figure have no right to even the possibility to aspire for something more, they're in the know and so higher than the masses**

There is nothing more generous than the belief that anyone can aspire to something higher and that they have a right to be introduced to the possibility to aspire to something more than the shitty garbage that university educated elitist millionaires and billionaires peddle to them.  They won't hear from TV that they've got a right to more than the crap it sells to them.  There is nothing more elitist than insisting that they shouldn't even be presented with the possibility, that they don't have an inherent right to entirely more than that.

*  It's, perhaps, significant to consider how Max Fleischer, who was a creative genius, was crushed by the corporate fist that squeezed out so much of the best that cartooning could have been, to be replaced by the planned, commercial crap that came after and which academic study of pop-culture praises.

**  The use of that term for the underclass "the masses" should have been a real clue that the alleged leftist ideologies that used it had one of the most debased views of humanity in the history of culture, claiming that their understanding of people was sanctified by science.  We see that in those acculturated by the same academy that produces corporate psychologists and the people who run ad agencies and networks, who love to think that people are scum.  At bottom, they're all Rupert Murdoch.


  1. Simels is saying if you don't watch TV, you're an elitist? That's a new one.

  2. Yeah, I guess Ray Bradbury was right, if you don't have one you're a thought criminal. I can say that apart from some of Bill Moyers and Fred Rogers..... well, and WKRP, I regret every minute I wasted in front of it.

  3. As God as my witness, I thought TVs could fly...

  4. WKRP is about the only really great sit-com as far as I'm concerned. It was perfect.
