Monday, March 9, 2015

I Welcome Their Hate

Someone is really annoyed at my little bit of truth telling about the catastrophic role the Communists have played in the politics of the left over the past 96 years. Earning my name and demonstrating what I said in those posts in one fell swoop, pointing out that irrefutable record of total failure and self-inflicted damage on the left has aroused a reaction like some ham Brit actor impersonating their idea of a Catholic cardinal denouncing blasphemy.   To give you a clue as to how totally stupid they are, one of them called what I've said "punching hippies".   Apparently he knows as little about the history of the late 1960s and the difference between hippies and Communists as he does everything else.

Who is it supposed to harm for me to point out that the Communists have done and been everything I've mentioned from the far, far longer indictment that could be made against them?    The relative handful of Communists who are still deluding themselves over the farce?  Certainly not their fevered opponents in the even tinier "parties" of the Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist(yes, they still exist)-Trotskyist-Maoist sects who hate their fellow communists in the CPUSA and among themselves with a venomous fury that would make the text writer of a super hero comic roll his eyes due to how over the top it is.

If the folks who are upset with me for pointing out that going on a century of being a self-created weapon against the left, a total and complete political failure, a fan of one of the worst political experiments in the history of despotism are, as I suspect, NOT EVEN MEMBERS OF THE RUMP COMMUNIST PARTY my question is that if they're such great-big supporters of the Communists why they, as well as most of the people who lived in those atheist paradises, have not elected to become party members?  Apparently their support for the Communists doesn't extend so far as that.

The left doesn't exist to carry some eternal torch for the failures who were mistakenly allowed to become a face of the left in the lost past.  It doesn't exist to make the few thousand psychotic cultists who belong to those cults today able to pretend that their totally failed cults represent anything about any kind of politics that work.  It doesn't exist as some role playing house museum so people can reenact scenes from some PBS history show or, heaven help us, some phonied up Hollywood movie.

The only purpose for the left to exist is to WIN THE FIGHT for equal justice for all, a decent life for all under economic as well as political democracy - not mere state ownership*, democratic government by an accurately informed People, each allowed to cast their one vote and to have that one vote count, and with the freedom to try to convince people of their ideas,  the results made consistent with all of the above for us and our posterity.  In short, the only reason for the left to exist is to provide things that have never been allowed in any of the countries or by any of the figures who have controlled and been extolled by the Communist Party since before its inception on the ruins of the old Socialist Party.   In not one of those countries with the chance did anything like the hoped for results of Marx and Engel's pipe dream happen, in none of them was it ever attempted.

Anyone who is carrying that extinguished though still smoking torch for the communists should be relieved of membership in the real left.  They are part of the failed past, as much as the other things we have to struggle against on the all too real right.   They are in that group because their ideas never were compatible with the goals of the real left.

And, considering some of what they're complaining about,  the left doesn't exist to help pseudo-leftists of the greater New York City area work out their daddy and mommy issues.

* One of the few things that the Communists proved just about wherever they ruled is that state owned industry can be as bad as anything capitalism has produced.  Clearly, state ownership isn't the same thing as social democracy.

Update:  Oh, I'm ever so worried that you're going to do more of what you do, ineffectualize at me from a platform the world ignores.

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