Friday, October 9, 2015

If it's not wrong to hate children why isn't it all right to hate people who hate children


  1. That one provoked some very strange comments at Salon.

    You want to find out just how depraved humanity can be, just how much it can disappoint you and amaze you with the depths it will plumb; you want to understand things like the Rape of Nanking or the Holocaust or the Killing Fields or the slaughter in Rwanda?

    Spend too much time on the internet.

    1. Those folks who go online to say how much they hate children and don't intend to have any are one of the few groups of people who find something more pointless to talk about than those who, out of principle, don't vote.

      I think it's turning out to be a close match as to which produces the more stupidity, the web or the tube.

  2. I really hated that article. Would've even if I didn't have 2 absolutely perfect kids.

    1. Well it's still okay to hate articles. Even when they're someone else's.
