Monday, April 11, 2016

I'm Being Lectured By A Straight White Man On Gay Rights

I am familiar with that particular porn site, I've seen what they sell.   It has done more to spread internalized hatred of gay men among us than the idiots in the North Carolina legislature have with their silly wedding cake law which I doubt will stand judicial review if it makes it to the court as it is today.  Try as they might the Republicanfascists who are trying to ride to electoral success on the reaction to marriage equality can't do worse to us than the porn industry does.  The worst form of hatred of LGBT people is that which is internalized by us, it is the most destructive form of hatred of us and it is taught primarily by pornography, these days.   And that hatred is hardly the only way that porn destroys people.

I looked at your exchange at Duncan's Dunces, you and Hecate.    I've got no respect for upper middle-class so-called feminists who are OK with the use of the class of women, men and children used and used up by the porn industry before they are spit out by that multi-billion dollar leviathan.  

I'd like to ask her which of her family, her son, her grandson, her female relations would she be OK with being recruited by the porn industry to be penetrated by whatever men - usually without condoms - men who have penetrated many others before a producer and director told them to penetrate her loved one.   As I recall, that particular site carries videos of Clint Lockner,  who died of AIDS in 1993, and certainly other porn actors who contracted HIV, hepatitis-C and other strains of it and a host of other deadly and potentially deadly, as well as debilitating diseases on the set, and who spread them to other "actors" on set.  The porn industry still trades in the videos and images of "actors" who long ago died as a result of making the porn that you guys champion. 

And that's just in straight up porn, it doesn't go into the sadistic abuse of bottoms by tops, the predominant theme in porn,  torture, degradation, humiliation, rape... I wonder which of her relations she'd like to be told to open their mouth so the "alpha man" can spit into it or worse, one of the current trending themes in gay porn, or which one she'd like to be told to rim someone. 

I'll bet she never even thought of it in those terms, before.  Just as you never did before I posed that question to you.  I use the term "thought" very loosely, in your case.  Of course, you lied about it, knowing that no one you were involved with or cared about - assuming such people exist - would ever work in porn.

It's so easy for people who aren't in the class from which most of the victims of pornography are recruited to blithely ignore what it really is.   While I don't expect some superficial straight white asshole like you to care about those people, feminists are supposed to.  

Any porn site that peddles the abuse and hatred of gay men and boys as sexually arousing is just putting up a false front if they pose as a being interested in the rights of gay people.   It's phonier than the idea that Bob Guccione was a supporter of women's rights.  He was the pornographer who funded the invention of "sex pos" "feminism".  

I looked into the reality of porn, H. obviously hasn't.  To her it's a topic from her legal education and an issue to preen in her alleged liberality over, not a real reality which, with the lessons of hatred, abuse, degradation.... and everything up to and including death as a result of having sex for the camera is very, very real, in fact.   You can tell her I said that, too.  I'd like to see her response. 

Update:  Now said asshole is using the "you're the one looking at dirty pictures" defense of porn.  As if someone could know what it was unless they saw it.  And he's an alleged journalist, though I have every confidence that he's the kind of journalist who wrote about things he never looked at or read.

Try again, I'm not going to fall for that catch 22 defense of porn.  

Update 2:  Well, my mind about such things was changed by my seeing young men in their thirties covered by Karposi sarcoma lesions and a quite brilliant young man of my a aquaintance having his brain destroyed by a rare tubercular lesion that, when it killed him was listed as "complications of AIDS".  Experiences like those.  I watched dozens of men I knew die as a direct result of anal sex which was rather rare in the 1960s but which was promoted as "the real gay sex" by the porn industry back in the paper and celluloid days.   You ever seen what Karposi sarcoma looks like?  Here, look at this.  Believe me when I tell you that in real life, this doesn't begin to approach what seeing someone you know with it does to you.   There isn't any picture I can show you to represent watching my friend's brain being eaten away.   You had to be there for that one. 

Which one of your loved ones are you OK with being exposed to that by the porn industry?   Not to mention whatever newer virus is given a boost by the kind of sexual behavior that porn promotes. 

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