Monday, June 27, 2016

Bill Watterson As A Prophet

Last night, my nephew called my attention to the hilarious but pretty frightening practice some people have taken up of taking old Calvin and Hobbes cartoons and pasting Donald Trump's head on Calvin's body to horrifically uncanny results.  It is so frightening because we could be facing the prospect of someone with Calvin's worst personality traits and none of his charm could be the president of the United States and a terrifyingly large percentage of Americans are OK with that, including much of the media.  

The media created Donald Trump, they've earned our distrust, fully and completely.

You can find them online, there are lots of them.  This one, I hope, is a portent of what will happen by election day.

Only Trump won't be the one who admits that's what he's been doing his entire life.

I liked Bill Watterson's strip while it ran and I have a lot of respect for his choices to step entirely out of the spotlight of fame.   I admire his choice to not commercialize his characters.   I hope this is OK with him because it is a tribute to his insight.  If it isn't I'll take it down.

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