Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The American Media Is Reliable In One Thing Only, Their Support of Republicans Even The Fascists Among Them

I meant it,  that liberals have been the biggest suckers in the world for their support of the media and the court rulings that have allowed them to lie us into a period of increasingly right-wing government.  They bought the bull shit of Deadline U.S.A., All the Presidents Men, and the steady stream of entertainment written by newspaper men over the decades praising their profession.   Now, in September 2016, they are not only treating the buffoonish white supremacist and fascistic Donald Trump campaign with kid gloves, they are making themselves into an arm of it. From the top with what are deputed to be the most reliable of newspapers and broadcast venues, even those often falsely accused of liberalism down to the gutter levels of FOX and Alex Jones, the American media is in the bag for the Trump campaign.  I won't let the handful of lefty magazines off the hook because they've been slamming Hillary Clinton all along, that slamming muted only by the ominous prospect of Donald Trump as president.   Let's just say they've been everything from irrelevant to no help, whatsoever.  

The ability to lie without any fear of consequences given to the press by the Warren Court in 1964 is the key to how the press, the media has become what it is today.  Before that they were no great deal but they couldn't lie as lavishly as they do now without risking an expensive and discrediting lawsuit.  That was enough to restrain some of the lying, though certainly not all of it.  As mentioned here before, it was the New York Times which used a minor instance of their publishing admittedly inaccurate information about an opponent of equality, something the court could have addressed with a requirement for them to print a prominent retraction of the inaccuracies but which a court which had become addicted to the attention that issuing block buster rulings got them was talked into turning into a license to lie about public officials.  

The great irony of that is that, once freed from the danger of being held to account for lies, by far the most lavish campaigns of lies have been waged against liberal politicians and the very same movements for equality that were the original focus of the law suit.  I think that was a real instance of naivety on the part of the Justices who made the ruling but anyone who stopped to analyze what the media was, mostly corporate, mostly in the business of making money by selling ads, could have predicted that a media freed to lie would lie exactly in the interest of the wealthy and the conservative. That is certainly how it has worked out.   As it turns out a license to lie benefits those who benefit from lying and they don't tend to be the side who favor equality because equality inevitably endangers the privilege that allows massive wealth accumulation.   That was, apparently, something that the alleged liberals who championed that ability to lie didn't understand.  My suspicion is that if they thought at all about it, they figured on some law of nature magically making those forces even out in the way that so much of that kind of 18th century liberalism superstitiously believes in.  That despite the obvious fact that doesn't happen in human affairs.  If it did, if egalitarian democracy were the natural outcome of natural forces instead of the product of intentional human choices it would dominate as a political system.  

That stupidly superstitious 18th century deformation of liberalism is the dominant ideology of those who call themselves "liberals," it was the superstition shared by some of the "founders" to one extent of another, though they knew each other and the ways of the world enough to make any such declarations more of a convenient and hypocritical piety than something that governed their lives. They were, by and large, slave holding aristocrats and land thieves who mouthed pious sounding phrases they had no intention of living, themselves. 

Actual, egalitarian liberalism, the original liberalism was based in the provision of a decent life for those left in poverty and destitution by the circumstances of life.   In its original and definitive expression, the Mosaic Law, it was meant to be radically equalizing, making the accumulation of vast fortunes less likely if not impossible.   It never happens by forces of nature balancing themselves out, it only happens as a consistent series of intentional acts, deliberately taken to achieve that end.  I think that is the real reason that liberalism of that kind is opposed by even the allegedly liberal media, which, in its influential entities, are all owned by rich people.*  It has more than a little to do with the attacks on religion that takes that seriously and the promotion of the anti-Christianity of the corporate fundamentalists.  

This is the year that any regard real liberals have for the media and the privileges granted to them should die, definitively.  Virtually no sector of it, very few figures within it, have acted in the interests of egalitarian democracy, it is and has been the major force in corrupting an effective margin of people and enabling the gradual shift to fascism.  This is the year that proves there is no worst Republican who they won't promote, Donald Trump is a creation of the press, the media freed to do what is most profitable to them.   The few figures in the media who are the exception to that have certainly not been willing to risk it all on behalf of democracy and they all know if they really did they would be gone in a second.  Instead we have the New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR, etc. taking their lead from the overtly fascist right wing liars, the insane, even the white supremacists. The stinking cabloids have done that all along.   This is the year that there isn't any rational denial that they are, effectively, all promoting Donald Trump. 

*   Almost all of them white men.  Which is also entirely relevant in why they support the demonstrably incompetent man over the amazingly competent woman.

Update:  He says that as if it would be a bad thing to have more people like Gabby Giffords living in Arizona.  I'd love to have more Jews living here, especially states that now vote for Republicans.  I can't think of anything more likely to reestablish real liberalism than to have more members of one of the groups comprising some of the most reliable of Democratic voters.   I wish there were more in my state.  Of course, there being no more insular, parochial and ignorant yokels than the ones who have lived all their lives in the lesser NY City area, he probably doesn't believe such people exist.  I mean, the other week he and one of his buddies couldn't believe someone could get an egg cream in New Hampshire back in the 50s.  As if making one of those insipid kiddie concoctions required a degree from City College.

Update 2:  What a moron.  City College is the most prominent school of THE public university of New York City.    It isn't an ethnic institution, I'd guess that, by far, most of its students are not Jewish.   Simps pulls out the accusation of antisemitism whenever he's at a loss for words, which is pretty much whenever he encounters anything other than the most pat of conventional thoughts.  He is as vacuous as he is mendacious.   His frequent resort to the phrase "Words fail me" is about the only honest thing I recall him ever saying.

Update 3:  You're really grasping at straws.  The only family I ever knew with the name "Gora" were Italians and Catholics and the fact is Joel Gora is known to me only because of his role in enabling the media in lying and in the stinking rich to corrupt the political process.   To illustrate how full of shit you are, I'm just about 1000000% with Ruth Bader Ginsberg on that, I wish there were nine of her on the court when it comes to the issues that Gora has ridden to what should be infamy.   Most other issues, too.

Update 4:  You know, Stupy, I didn't think the guy who brought up Gora was you because you'd have to google the name first and that's more effort than you've ever put into anything.   I can answer more than one stupid troll, though if they're especially stupid I might suspect it's one of your famous socks doing the typing.


  1. "In its original and
    definitive expression, the Mosaic Law, it was meant to be radically
    equalizing, making the accumulation of vast fortunes less likely if not

    You're so right -- what this country needs are more Jews. Let's get those Israelis over to Arizona stat!

  2. "Mosaic Law, it was meant to be radically equalizing, making the accumulation of vast fortunes less likely if not impossible."

    This is so true. For example, as in King Solomon's chopped liver mines.

  3. The City College reference is a really nice anti-semitic touch. Why didn't you just say N Y Jew?

  4. You're not real hip to the concept of code words, are you Sparky.

  5. BTW, that "I'd guess" trope you're so fond of is very Trumpian.

  6. "His frequent resort to the phrase "Words fail me" is about the only honest thing I recall him ever saying."

    One just wishes they actually would, a little more often.

    1. If I were younger and were willing to make the effort, I'd try to figure out why the Eddie Haskell of Eschaton is as he is. As it is I'm not interested in why, I'm not especially interested except in so far as I can find it amusing to answer him.


  7. "The only family I ever knew with the name "Gora" were Italians and Catholics and the fact is Joel Gora is known to me only because of his role in enabling the media in lying "

    That's nice dear. Who brought that guy up -- the voices in your head?

  8. Wow -- Sparky's level of frothing is really amazing today.
