Saturday, October 22, 2016

Saturday Night Radio Drama - Donovan's Brain

Getting ready for Halloween.

When Kurt Siodmak's novel, "Donovan's Brain," was published it was a shocker for the time. It was quickly made into a sensational motion picture starring Lew Ayres. The "Suspense" radio program produced their own two part adaptation of it which aired in May of 1944 on two consecutive Mondays. A two parter was a radical departure for "Suspense." This version starred Orson Welles and is superb audio drama. 

I prefer more modern radio drama to most of the old stuff.  Except the comedy, I'm a huge fan of Eve Arden as Our Miss Brooks.  But here's a classic from Orson Welles.


I don't know if this was recorded as broadcast live or not, I hope it was.  It's fun to hear Bette Davis in this and more fun to hear "Henry" being insane.

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