Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Hate Mail - How Sad It Is When Stupid People Think They're Smart And Tell Each Other That

Ah, Simels has to lie about what I said because he can't argue against what I actually did say.  Duncan's dumb bells never read anything before they wax wrong about it.  It's what Stupy relies on, it's what Duncan doesn't care about.  The guy's a lazy putz.  He's long reminded me of those early people on TV whose careers were over by the early 60s but who deluded themselves that they were some kind of celebrities for the rest of their lives.  I remember seeing one in some kind of 50 years of TV thing and it was about as sad a spectacle of self-delusion as I've ever seen.  Dave Garroway, after Today, always seemed like a bit of a sad embarrassment only he never stopped trying.  

Even "The Horse" of Media Whores Online, even the far more durable Bart Cop are fading and compared to Duncan, they were once something.   They had to stop or die before fading.  Duncan chose to fade, figuring he'd still be able to go on making money from his one trick cash cow. 

Update:  "It's like Wack-a-Mole."  

Actually, since it's Simps it's more like miniature golf.   


  1. Bart Cop has been dead for years, asshat.

    1. Yeah, that's why I wrote, "They had to stop or die...."

      Geesh, Simps, it's amazing to me that you could get through college without being able to read every word. I guess skimming worked for you in the limited range of intellectual activity that comprises the milieu in which you live. No wonder they pretend to like you at Duncan's.

  2. You wrote that Bart Cop was fading. Which implies he’s still around.

    You’re an incoherent writer because you’re an incoherent thinker.

    1. You are a boob. Have you ever heard the English locutions, "the memory fades"? the idea that fame is fleeting, that people who were prominent during their lifetime are soon forgotten (I could give you hundreds of examples who you may have heard of in your youth if you were a reader, people like Howard Fast and Laura Z. Hobson). The word "fading" doesn't imply someone is alive unless you're talking about them dying.

      I could go on but why try? To paraphrase Dr. Seuss, "He never will learn, no you can't teach a Simels." I'm assuming you got to the end of that book. Perhaps sometime in your adolescence as they were attempting one last desperate try at remedial reading.

      Oh, and it was one of the things I might have first noticed at Eschaton but it's ubiquitous on blogs and, more so, blog comment threads, the frequency with which the range of denotative meaning of words escapes the post-literate such as yourself. I never used to have to resort to using the dictionary to point out meanings. I'm guessing you never mastered the use of an adult level dictionary.

  3. BTW, miniature golf is the sport of kings.

  4. Mini golf is my favorite drinking game.

    1. I found it just about as interesting as Candy Land. And I was 9.
